
Serving the Horse

My mission: To be a conduit by which proven methods of bodywork, behavior modification and guided exercises can benefit horses serving humans.

We expect and receive so much of our equine friends. Let’s make sure to return the gift very generously by taking the best care possible. 

Please contact me to discuss how I can serve you and your horse or read more about my services.

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Stefanie Reinhold


horses jumping show jumping brushing boots


path to performance stefanie reinhold


Horse Wellness is more than a ‘spa treatment’. As I understand it, it is helping the horse fulfill the demands we humans place on our horses as partners in equine activities.

Creating a solid Wellness Baseline for your horse is key. Learn how you can systematically improve Relaxation — Suppleness — Strength with the Path to Performance™ Program.

“The Path to Performance™ — short P2P™ — is ‘basic training’ for the horse plus methods for mental and physical relaxation by means of bodywork & behavior remediation. It is always the right time to solidify the basics to keep our horses sound.” Learn More…



“Stefanie has shown us how to relax together during a ride. We gain from Stefanie’s insights each time she has come.” [Image shows Stefanie with Cindy’s horse Queen]

Services: Bodywork, Path to Performance™ instruction

Percheron bodywork horse

Cindy D., Larsen, WI

“… I just had to say thank you, thank you, thank you, because I had my first canter today on Billy without any bucking, I didn’t plan it, it just happened as we rode up a lovely long hill, I was in heaven, previously he would have bucked most of the way up! … It has been a long haul but hopefully now my confidence will grow and we can get back to enjoying our riding. Thank you so much, you have given me my horse back.
Ever grateful
Lynda and Billy” [image shows Billy, the [formerly] bucking thoroughbred]

and 4 months later….

“Billy has come on leaps and bounds since we last spoke, no bucking or nappiness, I can ride in company or on my own, go up and down hills, he is fantastic.”

Services: Email consultation

bucking thoroughbred horse

Linda, UK


As a professional horse trainer, it is my goal to benefit every horse I handle—physically, mentally, and emotionally. With this goal in mind I jumped at the opportunity to ride and learn with Stefanie Reinhold! Having completed a Masterson Method® clinic with her years ago, I knew that spending more time learning from her would be of great benefit to me and every horse I handle. 
Immediately after the first class, I found myself approaching my training horses differently. I was more aware of their needs, more mindful of how I worked with them, and I as worked to apply the simple but incredibly effective lessons I learned from Stefanie, the horses blossomed! With every ride, these lessons have helped me to support each horse in becoming more relaxed and supple…and the horses have responded by being more balanced and willing.
The most exciting change was in my own little mare. We have struggled for over 6 years with the posture of her head, neck and front end. Stefanie offered me some suggestions and homework to do to help my horse. Within just a few gentle sessions, my horse was happily traveling in a much more functional posture. It was amazing how easily my horse was able to change once Stefanie helped me understand what she needed from me. 
After working with Stefanie, I feel more confident in my understanding of horses. I am thrilled with the changes I am making in myself, and I could not be happier with the results I am seeing in the horses. 
Thank you, Stefanie, for sharing with us your kind and generous heart and you incredible knowledge!
Services: Path to Performance™ clinics

Carissa R.-S., WI



anita kush horse behavior



It takes a ‘village’ to serve a horse or—as Walter Zettl put it—a ‘circle of trust’. I am honored and privileged to work with a small number of very dedicated and capable individuals in various areas of horse service.

Meet my circle of friends and read their bios to see if you may want to reach out and see if they may be a good fit for your and your horse’s needs.


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